Born in June 2017, Lucky Oil has faced the global market, concentrating mainly in the Middle East and North Africa. As a result of having fully implemented its strategy, LUCKY OIL has been able to achieve a steady and continuous turnover growth during last years. This has been made possible by entering the Middle East, North African and Far East markets profiting, in the meanwhile, of successful international partnerships to supply customers in central and northern Europe. Since 2020, to keep on and fuel such growth performance the Company has been more and more concentrating its sales effort on export activities, gaining new markets outside Europe. .
Lucky Oil continues to focus on the research of innovative products and processes to face the global market. The strong point is the ability to adapt the product to customer requirements.
Thanks to its production and logistics know-how, Lucky Oil manages the orders of its customers in an optimal way, eliminating downtime and ensuring effective delivery of goods.
LUCKY OIL is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 standards and complies with the most restrictive European regulations (e.g. REACH, CLP).